• Trusted, audited and insured

€ 62 000 000

Assets under management


Number of managed funds


Years in the market


Trusted by clients


Why Novus?

Focus on

Concentrating on private debt and real estate products, which provides finest risk-adjusted returns

Personal human

Comprehensive wealth management in people's hands.

Making a positive

Creating real change in building sustainable and resilient environment.

"At Novus we think that experienced team,
focus on investment process and constant innovation
are the fundamental elements of building a long term success.
We build teams across various asset classes,
who work hard and celebrate their wins together."

Leonardas Diržys CEO

The team

  • Leonardas Diržys


    15 years of experience: Citadele Asset Management member of investment committe, fund manager. Novus Asset Management fund manager and private investor. Licensed financial broker consultant.

  • Jolanta Pašino

    Head of Client Relations

    20 years of experience: Financial brokerage company Evernord and Swedbank Personal Banking.

  • Jolanta Byčenkovė

    Investment manager

    15 years of experience: Luminor Private Banking, UAB Monsoon Investments. Licenced Financial Broker consultant.

  • Vilius Agintas

    Fund manager

    Banking experience in companies such as UniCredit Lietuva, Payray Bank, Citadele.

  • Gintarė Grigaitė

    Compliance officer - Lawyer

    More than 10 years of experience in Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania, Legal Department and Novus asset management - Compliance Officer.

  • Lina Razgienė

    Head of Marketing

    Over 10 year of experience in B2B marketing and communications.

  • Andrius Oleinikovas

    Fund manager

    More than 5 years of experience working with real estate funds. CFA certificate holder.

The Management

  • Leonardas Diržys


    15 years of experience: Citadele Asset Management member of investment committe, fund manager. Novus Asset Management fund manager and private investor. Licensed financial broker consultant.

  • Jolanta Pašino

    Head of Client Relations

    20 years of experience: Financial brokerage company Evernord and Swedbank Personal Banking.

  • Julija Gavėnė


    Senior lawyer at Cobalt, head of legal department at Ernst and Young Baltic legal department, partner and lawyer at Addlaw.

Your reliable asset management

Contact a specialist and start your financial management journey with Novus

Contact a specialist and start your financial management journey with Novus